BA, I LOVE ballroom dancing! That's what you've got goin' on, chere! Did you see that movie with Richard Gere and Susan Sarandon and J-Lo? "Shall We Dance?" It was wonderful! I love to dance like that, too! It's so beautiful and takes a lot of talent!
Frannie Banannie
JoinedPosts by Frannie Banannie
What sets your feet to dancing?
by Frannie Banannie inwhat type of music, particular songs, cd's, etc.
always sets your feet to dancing, is absolutely irresistable???.
for me, it's 50's, 60's 70's r&r and r&b..
Discover your inner SMURF!
by Frannie Banannie inthis is what i came up with when i let my imagination take me wherever i wanted to "go.".
Frannie Banannie
AVNG, when you hold your cursor over the Smurf pic AND right click, do you see "copy"? Click on copy. THEN paste it in your post when you get back to this page.
Discover your inner SMURF!
by Frannie Banannie inthis is what i came up with when i let my imagination take me wherever i wanted to "go.".
Frannie Banannie
AVNG, just hold your cursor over it and right click, then copy it and paste it here.
What sets your feet to dancing?
by Frannie Banannie inwhat type of music, particular songs, cd's, etc.
always sets your feet to dancing, is absolutely irresistable???.
for me, it's 50's, 60's 70's r&r and r&b..
Frannie Banannie
Ok, I'll quit here. As you know, I'm capable of going crazy on a music thread!
Oh, NOOOOO, MrsMcDucket! Don't stop on our account! I just lurv to see people havin' a good time. Party on, chere!
Did anyone see this story?
by zagor in
headteacher bans hot cross buns.
a school in suffolk has banned hot cross buns - in case they offend pupils from religious minorities.
Frannie Banannie
I seem to recall seeing this story on this forum maybe a coupla years ago. I've been here since 03, so it has to be since then.
What sets your feet to dancing?
by Frannie Banannie inwhat type of music, particular songs, cd's, etc.
always sets your feet to dancing, is absolutely irresistable???.
for me, it's 50's, 60's 70's r&r and r&b..
Frannie Banannie
Hey, yall. One time I was sitting in my car waiting in line at the drive-thru banking thingie. It was hot, the a/c was cranked and I was listening to some tunes on the radio. They have a terrific R&R station here and it was cranked that day. I was sittin' there be-boppin' and dancin' in my seat when I happened to glance over at the car to my left. There was a little girl about 5 or 6 yo just cracking up and pointing at me. I just laughed and smiled and waved and went on jivin' to my tunes.
Frannie Banannie
Awwww, Abandoned! That is such a cute story. Little kids are so easy to please and really go for the silly shtuff, don't they? I've thought about changing my poster name from time to time, because it's really not very dignified.....but then I had to admit....neither am I.
Baby Boomers and Generation Next
by prophecor inafter over 50 years of ignorance from institutional racism of the 50's & 60's in america, how far have we gotten away from the blurry lines of the insanity of that era?
many still alive from several differing backgrounds have held various views and opinions regarding those days.
it was a crazy page in american history, filled with fear, anger and the prejudices of a nation that was bursting at the seems with the war in viet-nam, the ever present threat of the soviets, martin luther king and malcolm x, kennedy and the space race.
Frannie Banannie
institutional racism of the 50's & 60's in America, how far have we gotten away from the blurry lines of the insanity of that era? Many still alive from several differing backgrounds have held various views and opinions regarding those days. It was a crazy page in American history, filled with fear, anger and the prejudices of a nation that was bursting at the seems with the war in Viet-Nam, the ever present threat of the Soviets, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, Kennedy and the space race.
Proph, I lived through ALL of that era. I was living in D.C., during the "peace riots" re: the Vietnamese War and the "race riots." I walked down the streets of D.C. to get to work, because of all the traffic jams and the jail buses rolling through town full of people singing "We Shall Overcome." I watched people carrying signs against the war being attacked and dodged clouds of teargas that still hung in the air on street corners where crowds had been disbersed and/or arrested. I've been in shopping centers when the national guard was called out and came out of a store with my baby in my arms to see the NG lined up with full armor, riot guns and dogs.
What hurt me so during this time was the fact that I, myself, had never said or done anything to deserve the horrible curses that were thrown at me in public by some of the militants. I've never been prejudiced. I don't know what it was that made me go against my family, but I can remember from early childhood on being totally irritated at racist remarks my family would make from time to time. I made a personal vow from early on never to say or do anything that would indicate that anyone was less than me. I'm sure that, being human, I've slipped up and failed to ignore stupidity or haughtiness on another's part from time to time, cause those are the only differences I seem to have issues over.
Do you know what, Proph? The NAACP has made sure that there's still a sure hostility against other races in the town where I live right now and I'm still faced with it in public from time to time.
Have I changed in my attitudes and opinions? Not at all, Proph.
What sets your feet to dancing?
by Frannie Banannie inwhat type of music, particular songs, cd's, etc.
always sets your feet to dancing, is absolutely irresistable???.
for me, it's 50's, 60's 70's r&r and r&b..
Frannie Banannie
SALSA, baby!
HotCHA-CHA-CHA, Nina! Does Big Tex like dat Salsa, too? I like salsa, too. I had forgotten about that.
Yall're all naming stuff that I like, too. My feet are jigglin' and my booty's quakin' just thinkin' about it!
What sets your feet to dancing?
by Frannie Banannie inwhat type of music, particular songs, cd's, etc.
always sets your feet to dancing, is absolutely irresistable???.
for me, it's 50's, 60's 70's r&r and r&b..
Frannie Banannie
FF, not even when you're alone and some really hot tune is playing? Doesn't get your feet to tapping or jiggling the least little bit?